Frequently Asked Questions

What happens after a form is submitted?

Where do I go to get a copy of a submitted form?

How do I reopen a form that has been submitted?

Why would I need to reopen a form?

How do I continue a form that I previously saved and need to resume?

How do I reset my password for a form I saved?

Who submits a participation roster?

What happens if I can’t fit all my students or adults on a participation roster?

How do I complete the Adult Participation Roster if an adult participates in multiple FACE components, e.g., Pre-Kindergarten (center-based), Family Enrichment (home-based), and/or Adult Education?

When enrolling a prenatal family, how do I add the prenatal child to the enrollment form?

When a prenatal child is born, how should we update the enrollment form to reflect the child's information?

How do I count prenatal family or parent participation?

What do I submit if a component of FACE is not in service for that month?